
Using Plant Hire Services to Work Safely at Height?

Working at height should always be treated as a top priority in terms of health and safety. On construction sites across the world, contractors working at height are in the most danger of suffering an accident that could lead to a bad injury, or worse, a fatality. This is especially the case when it comes to discussing smaller projects, where there might be seen to be a desire to work quickly and to cut corners due to the added cost of working at height safety procedures. There are ways in which you can ensure that your site is as safe as possible when it comes to working at height. From the training for all new contractors to working with the best plant hire companies that provide you with the latest and safest machines and equipment, ensure that your staff are working safe at height in every circumstance.

There are some legal requirements and regulations that employers must follow when it comes to working at height. Risk assessments must be carried out for any task that is to be worked at height. This ensures that every task at height is carefully planned out in advance, with in-depth organisation of every single factor and with only highly trained personnel tasked with the work itself. Training and assessment is vital, as it means that everyone is on the same page, understands the dangers of working at height and the specific dangers of your site and location. Take all the necessary steps to prevent risks or to reduce risks and you can limit the exposure your staff have in terms of potential working at height accidents.

The next step is to find the correct equipment to work at height. By working with a plant hire company to provide you with machinery, equipment and vehicles that work perfectly at height, or by choosing scaffolding to be installed on site as a short-term measure, you can build a strong foundation of safety for those working on site. Working platforms, guardrails, nets, airbags and the right working at height plant hire equipment will all go a long way to increase safety standards on site for all concerned, and in the process increase the levels of efficiency too.

Working with specialist plant hire and working at height companies will go a long way to helping you secure the safety of your workers, no matter what your site situation and specifics are. You should always have safety as a priority and build processes and protocols that make your staff feel safe and able to fully commit to the tasks at hand.

If your site requires contractors to work at height, even if only for a small portion of the project, it is vital that you provide them with all of the tools and training that will allow them to work as safely as possible. Working at height is one of the most dangerous working situations within any industry. By putting in place a strong framework that focuses on site safety and utilises the very best machinery and equipment, whether through a plant hire company or purchased, you can begin to build a workplace that offers safety above all else and keeps workers as safe as possible from a dangerous fall from height that could cause an injury or a fatality in the worst-case scenario.

Fenix Dallon
the authorFenix Dallon