
Investing In Strategic Planning Tools: Knowing The Relevance!

Managers and top executives often talk a great deal about strategic planning and its relevance. What they often miss out is effective execution. You cannot create plans and assume things to work out. To ensure that plans are executed as expected, people must be involved. That’s exactly where strategic planning tools, such as one from, can come in handy. Strategy may refer to long-term plans, short-term goals, and projects. The purpose of strategic planning software is to allow businesses have a clear understanding of their goals, create a roadmap for achieving those goals, and measure progress in real time.

‘Why would we need a strategic planning tool?’

Because you need to ensure that executives and employees are involved in execution. It’s important to understand that planning is just one part of the process. What matters as much as is how the plans are executed, and for that, a roadmap for action is more than necessary. Such software and tools create room for better and transparent communication, effective measurement of progress, and brings down the departmental silos.

What are the common features?

Many vendors have proprietary features for their strategic planning software, but at the least, you can find numerous means and elements that can be customized. The ability to create strategy map and frameworks is as important, and considering that every company is unique, there should be options to tailor features, add or subtract key elements that are not required. A good strategic planning software should also allow to create milestones, both for short and long-term goals, allow focusing on key performance indicators, must offer simplified interface that executives can understand. Also, the tool should simplify user management, so that there is enough accountability and agility in the work process.

Sharing plans within the organization

The prime reason to invest in strategic planning software is to enhance communication. The management should be able to share plans, and at the same time, they should be able to get updates, take corrective and preventive measures where required, and review the work of people. Such tools also come in handy for measuring performance, generating reports and gathering data – which can be further used to improve strategic planning.

Final word

If your company hasn’t invested in strategic planning software as yet, it’s time to consider the idea. Just select a product that works best for your business model and is customizable to the best possible extent.

Fenix Dallon
the authorFenix Dallon